Applications > Privacy Policy for ListCalculator App

Privacy Policy for ListCalculator App

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We are committed to protecting the privacy of our users and are transparent about the collection, use, and storage of data.

Data Collection

Our application does not collect any user data. We do not gather personal information, transaction details, or any other data from our users. Your privacy is important to us, and we want you to feel confident using our app.

Data Use

Because we do not collect any user data, we do not utilize any personal information for our services. We respect your privacy and do not share any user data with third parties.

Data Security

We take the security of your data seriously. Even though we don't collect any user data, we have implemented measures to ensure the overall security of our application.

Data Storage

Your data stays with you. Our application does not store any user data on our servers or elsewhere. Any data related to your item lists is stored locally on your device.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

You can use our application without worrying about cookies or similar technologies tracking your data. We do not employ such techniques for data collection.

User Rights

As we don't collect or process any user data, you have no data stored within our application that needs to be deleted or modified.


Please note that while our application is designed to help you manage lists of items, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the lists you create. The application's performance might be affected by external factors beyond our control.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy as needed. Any changes will be effective once they are published within the app. You can always access the latest version of the policy through the provided link.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or the application itself, please reach out to us via the contact page.

Calculatrice Simple et Gratuite !